Sharon Strite is an artist who lives and works in the heart of the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Although oil painting has been Sharon's focus, she also enjoys working in a variety of mediums including acrylic, watercolor and mixed media. Her artwork has received numerous awards and is collected both here in the United States and abroad. Although Virginia provides a rich source of inspiration, her work also reflects her travels to the Southwest and New England as well as her frequent trips to Romania.
I have been painting for many years and am passionate about color. My artwork is filled with bold, bright colors and is a reflection of my desire to not just copy what I see but to also help the viewer see beyond the obvious. Painting on location has become a new and exciting venture for me. Although I am generally a studio artist, seeing colors first hand and translating that on to the canvas has brought a whole new dimension to the painting experience. I believe to see true colors one must see colors first hand versus painting from photographs.
My goal as an artist is trying to get people to NOTICE, to notice the spectacular surroundings of God's creation and to bring a sense of joy and peace when viewing my art. I want viewers to escape for a moment and journey to the particular scene and notice what they may not have seen before.. I want them to notice the way the light changes from high noon to evening, how as the sun travels across the sky it's light brings form and color to the trees, how the blue and violet shadows lay across the path way, or the orange glow on the tree trunks as the sun lowers in the sky. I will never know all there is to know about painting so each day in front of my canvas is a new challenge and opportunity to explore and push myself to new places in my art that I have not been before.